Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rome, Italy (National Roman Museum)

Seeing as how we saw everything we had planned to see/do today yesterday we had a nice day to relax, catch up on some laundry, and explore the National Roman Museum before packing up to head to Florence.

Boxer at Rest

The museum is actually divided into four different sites; however, we only visited the site at Palazzo Massimo alle Terme (which is conveniently close to the Termini Train Station).  It is a really nice building with four floors to explore but our children were slowly quickly losing interest in all things "broken." So, we focused on the few highlights we didn't want to miss: Boxer at RestAugustus Pontifex Maximus, and The Discus Thrower.

Augustus Pontifex Maximus
Antoninus Pius
The Discus Thrower
After exploring the museum we went back to our room for lunch.  John and the kids took a short nap while my Mom and I walked to the nearby laundry mat to wash some clothes and see what some local street vendors were selling.

When the kids woke up we headed to the church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin to see the Bocca della Verita (Mouth of Truth).  Legend holds that if you put your hand into the mouth of the disc and told a lie it would close on your hand.  Unfortunately, we arrived right at 5 p.m. (as they were closing) and we were the last five people who didn't make it "in" before they closed the gates.

photo from

So instead, we walked around a little a bit and found a nice pasta place for dinner. We called it an early night so we could rest up for the train ride to Florence the next morning!

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