Friday, June 1, 2012

Rome, Italy (St. Peter's Basilica)

After exploring Castel Sant'Angelo and getting some rest, we headed back to the Trastevere area to see St. Peter's Basilica.

This church is absolutely gorgeous!  It is described "as the largest church ever built and one of the holiest sites in Christendom."  Tradition holds that it is built at the place St. Peter (considered the first pope and one of the apostles of Jesus Christ) was crucified or buried.  His tomb is under the main altar.

It is also home to Michelangelo's famous "Pieta."  I am still amazed that Michelangelo was only 24 yrs. old when he finished this statue!

"According to the formal agreement, the Pieta was supposed to be 'the most beautiful work of marble in Rome, one that no living artist could better.'  Michelangelo was neither daunted nor intimidated by such a request and upon its completion the world declared that Michelangelo's Pieta 'surpassed not only the sculptures of his contemporaries but even those of the ancient Greeks and Romans themselves; the standards by which all art was judged.'"
It was simply amazing!  The whole church was amazing...

There is a statute of St. Peter near the front of the basilica which shows him giving a blessing while he is holding the keys to the kingdom of heaven.  Pilgrims come to traditionally touch and kiss his toe (so much so that it is worn thin!).

We spent almost an hour touring the Basilica. The kids did really well but were getting antsy towards the end.  If you are planning a trip, please be sure to note the dress code (it is strictly enforced):  no shorts, bare shoulders or miniskirts.  This applies to men, women, and children.  Even if you get by security (entrance is free but you do have to go through a security line to enter), you will get turned away at the door!

Afterwards we were on a mission to find a yummy, quick dinner and then head to the Vatican!

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