Friday, June 1, 2012

Rome, Italy (Vatican)

After touring St. Peter's Basilica and having a quick dinner, we walked back to Vatican City.  We had previously made a 7:30 p.m. reservation online to tour the Vatican Museums (highly recommended to bypass ticket line).

Once there we got into the "reservation-holders" line (to the right).  We were told to get a guard's attention if our entry time was approaching and we weren't moving forward in line but our line went fairly quickly and we had no problems.  You do need to make sure you bring identity documents (passports) with you to verify and complete your reservation.

We knew we wouldn't have much time here (only because it was getting so late and the kiddo's wouldn't last that long in a museum) so we had a "hit-list" of must-sees before we went in.  On the list, the Raphael Rooms to see his "School of Athens;" the marble sculpture of Apollo Belvedere; Leonardo's "St. Jerome;" and Michaelangelo's "Last Judgment" and "Creation of Adam" in the Sistine Chapel!

Going through the museum was like a blur of awesomeness.  There were sooooo many things to see!  We hated that we had to rush but we are glad we had the time that we did...and we got to see everything on our bucket list!  We topped the night off with some gelato and walked home through the streets of Rome...#lovinglife

Tomorrow we hit the Trevi Fountain/Pantheon and the Roman Forum/Colosseum!

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