Saturday, August 10, 2013

Bastogne, Belgium

We had an amazing time exploring Bastogne, Belgium today.  My husband (a history buff) especially enjoyed this trip!

The first thing we did was head to the Mardasson Memorial (American Memorial).

Then we rode down towards Bizory/Foy (following directions from "Life Lessons of a Military Wife") to see the 101st Airborne Memorial and Jack's Woods (from "Band of Brothers") .  There was a pull-off point as you go through the woods that we stopped at to walk around.  You can still see their foxholes in the ground.  I can't begin to describe what it is like standing there, it is something you really have to experience first-hand.

Going further towards Foy you will find the American Temporary Cemetery Memorial.

After visiting the Memorial and battlegrounds we went into downtown Bastogne for lunch. We found a little shop selling WWII memorabilia and purchased some shells that were found in the battlegrounds.

The Sherman Tank is also located downtown in the Place McAuliffe (there is a parking lot in the middle of the square; however, it fills quickly).

From there we walked to the 101st Airborne Museum.  It was small, but packed with artifacts and information.

We wanted to see the Bastogne Barracks while we were there but, unfortunately, we ran out of time.

Again, this is another trip that we are so, SO glad we did.  You can easily read and learn about these things, but actually seeing first hand where they happened, it adds a whole different dimension to them.  We have been really lucky to be given such a great opportunity to visit all these amazing places.  I just hope our children are old enough that they will remember them!

What is your favorite historical place?!

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