Thursday, April 11, 2013

Krausnick, Germany (Tropical Islands)

After saying one last goodbye to Prague this morning we hopped in the car and (on a cold, rainy day) headed to the constantly "sunny" Tropical Islands just outside of Berlin!

Come in and discover the delights of Tropical Islands.  Stroll along the sandy beach by the Tropical Sea, join an expedition through the Tropical Rainforest, relax in the Tropical Sauna and Spa Complex, taste the wonderful food and enjoy some first-class entertainment...
Yeah, I don't know.   Did we have fun?  Yes.  Would I go back?  More than likely not.

It was just one of those places where once you are there they "have you" so everything was overly priced and underly impressive.  We were told you couldn't bring in outside food or drink but no one checked our luggage and we saw several families sneaking in snacks and water.  The best thing (food wise) about the place was the breakfast was hands down the best and most varied we've had in Europe.

My steak salad was quite yummy, but unfortunately I was the only one who liked their meal...

Everyone liked the ice cream though!
A friend enjoyed us for breakfast!
Our room was also nice.  The kids had their own closet room with a bunk bed (you couldn't stand up in the room and open the door at the same time) but the main room and bathroom was nicely sized.  It was also right in the kid's play area (which our kids thought was THE COOLEST) and was surprisingly quiet at night.  The only issue I had with the room was the AC was on the fritz and made a banging noise every 15-20 min. which kept waking me up (I'm the light sleeper of the group).

The island was great though.  There were lots of lounge chairs, seats, bars, restaurants, shops, salons, etc.  You can relax in the sauna, get a massage, check out the solarium, play miniature golf or beach volleyball, catch a show, or even take a ride in a hot air balloon!

Although there are several smaller slides in the different pool areas, we paid extra for access to the Water Slide Tower (but, I think it is free now).  The tower had four different slides ranging from a slower "family" slide to a high-speed turbo slide!

We also paid extra for beach towels (why we didn't think to bring them is beyond me, lesson learned though!).  There is not really a dress-code as long as you are somewhat covered while not on the beach.  I don't think they like you to wear bathing suits in any of the restaurants, shops, etc. but I saw a few people doing it and no one said anything to them.  (There is a also nudist area inside the sauna but it is hidden so you don't have to worry about the kiddos seeing anything).

You are also given an electronic wristband to purchase items while there (it also acts as a key to the lockers in the changing area).  IT IS VERY IMPORTANT YOU DO NOT LOSE THIS WRISTBAND.  And, if you do...REMEMBER YOUR NUMBER!  We had a horrible time trying to track anyone down to help us when we lost one of our wristbands.  We were worried because we had all our wallets and keys in the locker (we got there before our room was ready) so if anyone found the band they could have taken everything!   My husband went to look for the band and I went to Information but because I didn't have any ID or my husband's band number they couldn't do anything (which I think is ridiculous seeing as how our information was in the computer because we had already checked in at this point).  They also wouldn't page him. I am so glad we didn't lose a kid!  It took us over an hour to regroup and find each other and finally get access to our locker and hotel room. Talk about a headache.

It was nice to relax in the "sunny shade" after that.  The dome allows something like 80% sunlight (you can actually get a sun tan during nice weather) but it was overcast the whole time we were there so it was basically just a light grey shade everywhere which was weird.  It was also super humid which wouldn't have been so bad if there was a breeze or something to keep it from being "stuffy."  Anyway, wasn't impressed.  I feel like for the price we paid we could have gone to a real "tropical" place for the day.  We spent 498 EUR in less than 24 hrs (which is almost more than we spent on the entire three days we had in Prague).  We travel on the cheap, ya'll.

Anyway, this was the highlight of the trip for the kids.  They absolutely had a blast!  And for that, I guess it was worth it...but I don't think we will be going back!

Now....on to Berlin!

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