Sunday, August 26, 2012

Speyer, Germany (Renaissance Festival)

We went with a friend of ours to Speyer, Germany today to check out what we thought would be a small town medieval festival...we ended up going to "the largest traveling Medieval Cultural Festival in the world!"

Travel to Speyer was easy, it was mostly all autobahn and only took an hour.  We got there just in time for a "traditional German" lunch at the Domhof Hausbrauerei (and a few yummy home brews) and walk the main square before heading into the festival...

View of the Altpoertel (Old Gate), "one of the original 68 towers
of the old wall and one of the largest (180 ft) and most architecturally
 significant  remaining city gates in Germany."
View of the Speyer Cathedral (UNSECO World Heritage Site)
Then, it was Renaissance time!  Tickets cost 25 EUR for our family for a day pass and included concerts, craft markets, food vendors, dances, interactive workshops, kid shows, and even a jousting event...the kids LOVED IT!

After a fun-filled afternoon we headed back home tired and happy...a great way to spend a "Family Fun Day!"  We would recommend this festival to anyone (regardless if you are not into the whole "medieval" thing), especially if you have small children!

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