Saturday, May 18, 2013

Triberg, Germany (Black Forrest)

Took the kids on a USO Tour to the Black Forest today! After several disappointing tours with RTT, I was pleasantly pleased with the USO!  The tour guide was wonderful and the itinerary was well-planned.  (I can't stand paying for a tour that turns out to just be a bus ride to a location I can drive to myself for a third of the cost...arg).

(Photo captured by Maria Frutiger Photography.
Check her out HERE...she's amazing!)

Anyway, the tour.  The tour was great.  Our first stop was to a a beekeeper's estate where we were able to get up close (a little too close, in my opinion) to some bees, learn how honey is made, and taste-test some wonderful treats!  

Two words:  Honey Schnapps.

Then, we headed to a woodcarver's shop to see how the famous cuckoo clocks are made!

Afterwards, we made our way to the Reinertonishof for a traditional Black Forest lunch of old cuts, cheese, bread, and schnapps - all grown and made on the gorgeous 300 yr. old farm!

With full bellies, we headed to downtown Triberg for free time to explore the area.  We spent our time looking in all the cuckoo clock shops, indulging in some of the infamous Black Forest Cake, and checking out highest waterfall in Germany!

They sure like their schnapps!

It was a good day!

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